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How Should a Bypass be Designed?
- Three Principles -

The architect, Christopher Alexander, et. al., in the book, A Pattern Language: Towns - Buildings - Construction. 1977. discusses the need for what he calls "Ring Roads".  He says, "It is not possible to avoid the needs for high speed roads in modern society; but it is essential to place them and build them in such a way that they do not destroy communities or countryside." p. 97 

Important common sense design principles are to be followed when building high speed roads. Alexander's three major principles are paraphrased here:

  1. Communities are not to be split by high speed roads, but every significant community should have a high speed road adjacent to it.
  2. Residents of the community must have access to the countryside without having to cross the high speed road. Alexander suggests leaving at least one side of the community open to the countryside.
  3. Because high speed roads create "enormous noise", they need to be sunken or shielded. Shielding can be earth berms or large non-residential structures such as warehouses or parking garages that are substantial enough not to be damaged by the noise.
source: Christopher Alexander, et. al. A Pattern Language: Towns - Buildings - Construction.1977. Oxbord University Press. pages 96-98. 
Goshen citizens can find this book at the Goshen College Library.
This page prepared by  Marvin Bartel, Professor of Art, Goshen College
These are three of the through vehicles counted on April 24, 2000. They are headed north.
A truck and two manufactured houses photographed as they passed Goshen College on April 24, 2000.

A good example can be seen at this link
"Most Frederictonians commute to work in less than ten minutes. Traffic jams are unheard of. The long standing sensitivity of City Planning authorities have provided Frederictonians with an environment second to none."

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